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FrSky F.Port

FrSky F.Port is a protocol developed by FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd., designed for communication between receivers and connected devices like servos or sensors. It is a one-line bus system that supports both control and data transmission, operating at a higher speed (115200 baud per second) compared to its predecessor, S.Port.


Physical Layer

The physical layer of the FrSky F.Port protocol utilizes UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter) communication at a baud rate of 115200.

Uart Configuration

When it comes to the configuration of the UART communication for SBus, it uses the following format:

  • 8 bits of data: Each data frame consists of 8 bits, representing the information being transmitted.
  • No parity: It does not use parity bit instead it uses a checksum at the end of the whole packet.
  • 1 stop bits: Following the data bits and the parity bit, there are 1 stop bits. Stop bits indicate the end of a data frame and provide timing for the receiving device to process the data.

Message Format

For the data format and more details go to this link